Hallo, I'm Wiebke Grieshop, a graphic designer based in Hamburg.
Besides freelancing, I am studying as part of Klasse Digitale Grafik at HfbK Hamburg, focusing on Grafik and Webdesign. Don't hesitate to get in touch via Email for collaborative work, work enquiries or just to say hello.

Es ist also offensichtlich:

Die Demokratie hat ein Problem. Die 10,5 Thesen fuer wen? – Bachelorthesis an der HFBK Hamburg.
"Sind politische Initiativen von Gestalter*innen tatsächlich in der Lage, Inhalte zu generieren, die wichtige gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse in Gang bringen und somit zu einer konsequenten Stärkung der Demokratie führen können?

Try to download the Thesis.


Schatz, ich kann nicht, ich bin im Dienst

Conception, Posters, CI and Lightelements for Dienst curated by Laura Mahnke.
Dienst is a Bar, Exhibitionseries and Microresidency that opened in Novermber 2022.
Fonts in use are Edition by Elias Hanzer plus Antworld by Leah Maldonado via Solitype and Solenizant by Laic Type. HMU if you also want Bierdeckel as your Businesscards.

What If

Conception, Posterdesign for What If – eine studentisch organisierte Design-Veranstaltungsreihe im SSP Design an der HfBK Hamburg, die den Diskurs an der Hochschule und darüber hinaus in einem selbstbestimmten Raum erweitert.
Format: A2, Matt. Font in use is Rader by PangramPangram.

How to work – Online Recherche Festival

Conception, Design, Code und Development, Backend, Social Media for Online Research Festival by Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Studio Experimentelles Design HfbK Hamburg.
After not moving the cursor/ stop working, website will collapse and only be useful, when visitor is beeing productive again.
Collaboration with Lisa Marie Fechteler.

howtowork.live (archiviert)

Forma do Desassossego

Format: A2, Matt: Conception, Posterdesign, Social Media with Jana Schwinkendorf for transnational exhibition project FORMA DO DESASSOSSEGO I FORMEN DER UNRUHE, curated by Luisa Telles.

WiP: Cake&Cash Curatorial Collective

Conception, Design, Code und Development, Backend for feminist Curatorial Collective Cake&Cash. Concept based on collective workflow in open source online pads.
Collaborative work with Sofia Star.



Conception, Design, Development – Virtual Reality project in collaboration with Kimberly Duck developed in a workshop with The Rodina.
Soundcredits: Britney Spears

Svenja Bredehoeft

Conception, Design, Code und Development for Hamburg based product designer Svenja Bredehoeft.
Her work evolves around challenging and trying to redefine established living structures.



Poster series and social media for intersectional feminist lecture and exhibition series at the HfbK Hamburg.
»In this semester FOLGENDES is renamed to folgenD* and will continue its queer-feminist events addressing terms such as care, vulnerability, and healing.«


Conception, Design, Development, Produktion, Print, interne Kritik.
Oberflaechliche Polizeikritik. Sachbeschaedigung aus dem Internet unter den Nacken.
Fotocredit: MadeinChina.


Variable Font

Abfahrt is a experimental Variable Font, developed in a workshop with Dinamo Type. Representing mobility and agility, this font definitely distracts from learning to read.



Artistic research project Commune by designer and curator Prem Krishnamurthy, Christoph Knoth and Konrad Renner and Klasse Digitale Grafik. A series of experimental dialogues juxtaposing different approaches to community.

Commune is a project by Prem Krishnamurthy with students of Klasse Digitale Grafik from HFBK Hamburg, within the framework of Hamburg Open Online University. Investigated the social structures and technical needs of temporary communities in the digital during the summer semester 2020. What power structures exist in the digital? Which, mostly invisible, technological as well as social norms build up?


pretending bending

The project »pretending bending«, started in 2018, is an attempt to describe and discover the bending of steel by transferring outlines of graphics into space and to understand steel with its limits and/maybe/hidden possibilities.

Bending something or bending something around decisions still means that you have to follow a certain line. Of course it also means that you will uncover a new line than the original one. However you will never escape the path you started on unless you cut it to detach yourself from it.

I proceeded with transferring the developed objects back into 2D plane explored in different media.

In the following, the process from the sketch to the sculpture back to the representation in different forms of communication is shown.


Spectator Modes

Exhibition, VR Performance

7 – 9 February 2020
Klasse Digitale Grafik
Annual Exhibition HFBK Hamburg, Germany

We are always online but have we really read the terms and conditions? Are we just idling or are we really participating? Are we just floating with the stream or are we actively steering the debate? Klasse Digitale Grafik aims to claim the virtual spaces that were occupied by templates, closed platforms and walled gardens.

Klasse Digitale Grafik


All work displayed on this website is copyrighted. Wiebke Grieshop, 2021.
Provider of this website is Wiebke Grieshop, Wansbeker Chaussee 12, 22081 Hamburg

Typefaces: Rader by PangramPangram.

Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. For the content of the linked pages are solely responsible for their operators. Copyright information: The content of these web pages is protected by copyright. All illustrations and photographic images on the website may not be adopted, reproduced and distributed without permission.